Velo Bella-Kona Ride

Putting it into perspective

Monday, February 06, 2006

Velo Bella University

This past weekend we held our sort of annual road clinic thingie. Led by reluctant Bella, Nicole Freedman, attendees learned all kinds of ways to do goofy things on bikes.

At the clinic start, Nicole rejects our facts about ourselves as boring and makes us all do re-writes:

This exercise involved riding around with your butt sticking out or something:

Jen stretches her limbo muscles:

Because you never know when you might need to jump innertubes hazardly stretched across the road:

All graduates received their flair bracelet, except for Nicole. Nicole will have to attend remedial flair school for refusing the glitter and for falling all goofy like in the parking lot.

A bunny report on the clinic is here and a few more photos of the fun are here

Just wanted to be sure and thank everyone involved for a great clinic! So thanks to Brent for organizing and helping with the instruction, MissMary for all the yummy food (especially the eggplant and cookies!), Sabine and Laura for the flair, all the Bellas who participated for being fun and supportive of each other, and mostly to Nicole who taught us all a ton with a great attitude, and anyone else I am forgetting or don't know about who helped too--THANKS!

i'll second that! thanks to everyone who helped to put on the weekend clinic -both behind the scenes and on sat and sun - what a great way to spend a weekend!! -learning soo much, meeting more bellas and having a ball - wouldn't have been the same without theglitter!! now off to check out the race calendar to pick my first race!!
mega thanks again,

I think this weekend was a great success and I cannot wait to get over this rotten cold, so I can go out and incorporate some of the newly learned techniques. I have attended 4-5 other clinics and none were as hands-on as this one. Two thumbs up!! Thanks goes out to: Miss Mary for the awesome eggplant sandwiches, Nicole for her great teaching abilities, Brent for being her ever-trusty assistant, Sabine for applying glitter to my cheeks, Laura for letting me park the RV in front of her house!
Denise :-)

Big, huge Thank You to Sabina, Laura, Nichole, Brent and Miss Mary. The entire weekend was such an awesome weekend. Nichole, I can’t wait for the next clinic so you can see that I really used the skills you taught us. Being more of a mt. biker than a road cyclist, it was hard for me at first learning to keep my chest and head so low. I learned how to ride my road bike efficiently so I could get more power and speed with less effort. All this timeI thought it was because my bike was not fitted for me and so poorly fitted but most of it was because of my posture and technique, I had none. Attending both days made such a huge improvement on my riding. I can’t wait to hit up one of the crits and try out my new skills. Thank again,